Thursday, October 27, 2011



I. Introduction
a.)Slums are bad things things for people who do not have money.
b.)Slums are an overcrouded area with very poor people.
c.)The excistence of slums negatively affects human population around the world because conditions are poor, there is dirty water, and slums are been destroyed the people relocate and form larger slums.
d.) In  slums the conditions are poor because people are very poor.

II. Defeandable point #1
.a.) In slums the conditions are poor because  they dont get a really good job to work with.
    i.) " Slums are a very bad place to live in our salary is very bad so we dont get enough money, the only money we get is for the food and clothe"
    ii..) The quote means that they dont get that much money for them they only have it for important resourses
 c.)  There are many people living in the slums so you can easily see that they dont have enough money for them.
 d.) This is not the only negative things about slums, they also drink dirtty water.

 III. Defendable point  2
 A.) Slums have dirtty water because its very crouded people put dirt in it so that it will last longer.
    i.) " We have to drink water that is very nasty, our kids die because the water is very bad it also have chemicals that we dont even know what they are."
 c.) The quote is saying that the kids get sick because of the water that is very dirtty.
  d.)  The last thing that is negatively about slums is that slums houses are been destroyed.

 III. Defendable point #3
 A.) Slums are been destroyed because they are bad things for allot of peple.
      i. " It is very sad to se people crying outside because there houses are been destroyed, some of them dont even know where to stay to spend the night.
  ii.) this means that people often have to sleep were ever.
 C.) Slums are a very bad thing for everyone.
  D.) THis leads to the bad things that people have to deal every day who live in the slums.

v. conclusion
 a.) slums are a bad thing for people who do not have money.
 b.) The excistence of slums negatively affects human population around the world because conditions are poor, there is dirty water and, when slums are destroyed, the people relocate and form larger slums.
 c.) Slums are very bad thing that anyone should go with, but people go through because they dont have the resourses needed.
 d.) Think about this how would you fell about living in a slum?

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